I should be able to charge extra for editing content on any site with Visual Composer involved. That plugin is the bane of my existence, and the sooner it completely disappears, the better. It is absolutely possible to edit VC content by hand. This is also absolutely not a skillset I should have to maintain. We have standards for a reason. It is very time-consuming and tedious, along with probably being traumatizing, for anyone to have to learn the non-standard idiosyncracies of this kind of generated markup. Friends don’t let friends use this plugin. Enemies probably shouldn’t let enemies use it either.
So much yes, yes, yes!
Kill it with fire and bleach.
@arush “I should be able to charge extra for editing content on any site with Visual Composer involved.” By “extra,” I would assume a minimum of double?
@paulcraig901 Yes. At least double.
It is cancer for websites. Our recommendation when clients come to us with a VC site is throw it in the garbage and start all over.