Released mid-2016, the Twenty Seventeen theme is still incredibly popular, with over 1 million sites using it. One downside is that it comes with very limited customizations compared to other themes.
It never occurred to me to package customizer options for a theme into a plugin. I’m not sure why because I do this for custom post types and other theme-specific code snippets all the time.
The customizer is relatively accessible at this point, so I’ve begun using it more and more on my own sites instead of just leaving all the fun for my clients.
And the idea of packaging customizer options in a custom functionality plugin is one I’m definitely stealing.
When I applied for internet banking, I supplied my phone number. However, nothing has changed in my account. My e-banking account was temporarily frozen, and I needed to change my password.Overseas Indian Bank My mobile number is being updated, and online banking is enabled on my account. When I applied for internet banking, I supplied my phone number. However, nothing has changed in my account. My e-banking account was temporarily frozen, and I needed to change my password. Overseas Indian Bank My mobile number is being updated, and online banking is enabled on my account.