I’m not one to throw around the “not-a-real-accessibility-advocate” label, but if someone exhibits a pattern of excuse-making for inaccessibility on behalf of themselves or others or both, they need to hand in their A card. Same if that extends to encouraging fellow people with disabilities to accept excuse-making for inaccessibility. If you do all three then you probably need to be taken to the proverbial woodshed because excuse-making for inaccessibility is never, ever acceptable. Either you believe it’s OK to discriminate or you don’t. It’s that simple. Signed: Someone who was once rightfully taken to the woodshed.
Shoutout to all the automatticians currently slogging through the VIP Go outage, from the people on the front lines dealing with customers to the people behind the scenes in the proverbial basement who are usually never noticed until something goes wrong. Support and server maintenance are often thankless jobs, but without people like you this stuff doesn’t run. I don’t work with y’all, and I’m not a customer, but I see no reason why we can’t support each other from afar.
Read The difference between keyboard and screen reader navigation by léonie Watson

People often include screen reader users in the much larger group of keyboard-only users. Whilst this is correct (most screen reader users don’t use a mouse), it also creates a false impression of the way screen reader users navigate content.

This is a really good primer for anyone building things for the web as well as screen reader users on the differences between screen reader and keyboard navigation. I’ve seen lots of situations where the two are conflated, by both developers and screen reader users.

Also, I really like the footer text on léonie’s site.

Read Source Order Matters by Adrian Roselli

CSS is providing newer and more complex methods of laying out your pages. Given the multiple form factors a responsive site has to support, it makes sense that developers want easy ways to structure the layouts that aren’t all floats, clears and position: absolutes.
Regardless of how you want your layout to appear in a browser, you must keep in mind that a clear HTML structure is [start of stricken text] important to search engines[end stricken text] . Sorry, while the bit about search engines is true, it’s not really what I consider important, but it is more likely to get some people to pay attention.

I still think it’s pretty messed up that, for the purpose of getting the topic of equal access for all on the web some play, we have to refer to the benefits for search engine optimization, (most of which are myths), because that’s the only way most people are going to pay attention. It’s either that, or try scaring people by reminding that eventually, they won’t be fully abled. I get it, I’m not going to stop doing it, but it’s still one of the less-desirable, less-lovable parts of accessibility for me.
I’m helping a screen reader who has been recently introduced to WordPress configure their new site, and noticed that they were becoming frustrated with the clutter of their WordPress administration menu thanks to plugins arbitrarily adding things to their top-level menus and inserting their own top-level menus in between the out-of-the-box ones. I had them install Menu Humility by Mark Jaquith. Despite the plugin not being updated in over a year, it still works exactly as it is intended, and I install it on every new site I build and every site I rebuild. I’ve mentioned this plugin before on this site, but wanted to mention it again because I find it so useful in my quest to minimize the trashfire that can result when plugin and theme authors clutter the dashboard in order to fulfill their own hopes or desires for more downloads or upgrades with no regard for the users actually using WordPress. If you’re running the latest version of WordPress, (and you really should be), upon viewing the plugin in the plugins/add-new screen, you’ll get a notice that says “untested with your version of WordPress.” In this case, ignore that notice, because this still works, thanks to WordPress’s commitment to backwards compatibility. This isn’t so much an accessibility issue as it is a “get off my lawn, stop cluttering my dashboard with your crap, my dashboard isn’t your playground” kind of scenario. Menu Humility isn’t the only plugin that can help with dashboard clutter, but it’s the first step to making it a saner place which induces less rage. Go get it if you haven’t already.