Update on #AccessiBe’s insistence that its screen reader mode alert is no longer on by default.

As of Friday 30 April 2021 at 09:25 Eastern, it is in fact still there and still as annoying as ever. I’m logged into Namecheap on a computer accessing a network that doesn’t have AccessiBe’s domains blocked.

So if this hasn’t been added already, add another outright AccessiBe lie to the list. Man, you guys are really racking these up.

I think I’ve officially gotten to the point where, if a podcast doesn’t have a transcript, I’m skipping it.

First, because actual accessibility. Second, because it’s a whole lot easier for me to quickly scroll through a transcript to find the thing I was interested in.

Read Asset Pipelines in Eleventy by Max Böck

“Asset Pipeline” is a fancy way of describing a process that compiles CSS, Javascript or other things you want to transform from a bunch of sources to
a production-ready output file.
While some static site generators have a standardized way of handling assets, Eleventy does not. That’s a good thing – it gives you the flexibility to
handle this any way you want, rather than forcing an opinionated way of doing things on you that might not fit your specific needs.
That flexibility comes at a price though: you need to figure out your preferred setup first.

Replied to Proposal: Treat FLoC as a security concern (Make WordPress Core)

Google is rolling out Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) for the Chrome browser. TL;DR: FLoC places people in groups based on their browsing habits to target advertising. Why is this bad? As the …

I’m responding to this on my own site because I can’t get the interface on the Make blog to do the click right when attempting to reply over there.

I 100% agree with this proposal. Users can only choose to opt in or out if they’re able to make an informed decision about this, and for better or worse, they can’t do that. I’m pretty sure Google will market this as some sort of user-beneficial feature, assuming they tell non-technical users anything at all about this. WordPress, according to its own “bragging”, (I’m using that loosely), powers something like 40% of the web. We can’t continue as a project to pretend we have no impact on it.