Amanda Rush

Bookmarked sevenspark/wp-menu-swapper by Chris Mavricos (GitHub)

A WordPress plugin that will enable you to register custom menu theme locations and easily swap menus on individual WordPress Pages or Posts.

RSVPed Attending Upgrading to Gutenberg: Moving an enterprise WordPress site to the new block editor

Put simply, the new block editor makes creating content easier. What might not feel so easy, however, is bringing a complex enterprise site over to Gutenberg for the first time. Never fear: that’s where this webinar comes in. In this dev-centered presentation, our friends at Reaktiv will walk you through each step of making the transition using real-life examples from Xbox, Atlassian, and more.

In this webinar, you will:

* Study real-life Gutenberg use cases from Xbox, Atlassian, and others
* See examples of when to use core blocks, 3rd-party block libraries, or custom blocks
* Learn how to plan for dependencies and ensure backwards compatibility
* Get tips on managing the human element (think buy-in, usability, and training)
* Participate in a live Q&A with Reaktiv’s Gutenberg experts

I’m slowly surely moving forward with Gutenberg, and this event seems like a perfect way to continue diving in.

I’m looking forward to it.

Read Usability Testing Popular Shopify Themes by Nic Chan

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of lawsuits filed in response to inaccessible websites. As a developer who works primarily with Shopify, I have seen an increase in questions from merchants related to accessibility, some of them from merchants who were facing lawsuits themselves.
As Shopify is popular with small business owners who can’t afford a custom-built store, I began to wonder about the state of Shopify themes. What sort of options were out there for a merchant looking to purchase an existing theme from the theme store, and what could I safely recommend to merchants so they could have an accessible storefront from the beginning? I decided I would conduct some basic accessibility testing of all the themes on the homepage of the theme store to get an overview of what the theme landscape looked like.

This post doesn’t reflect thorough accessibility testing of any of these themes, but I think it’s a good starting point for anyone who’s using Shopify for their site, and wants to at least start on the right foot.
Rest in peace, power and light, @AccessibleJoe (Joseph O’Connor)

You made the accessibility community as a whole a better, stronger place, and for me at least, you were and are the patriarch of the WordPress Accessibility Team. You helped make it a family, and more importantly, you taught me more things that had nothing to do with the technical aspects of web accessibility than I can enumerate.

Thank you for being the person you were and are and always will be, and when my time comes to enter the World to Come, I hope to be able to report to you that every battle for the rights of people like your beloved daughter has been fought and won.

Just popping my head up to offer some very rare but well-earned praise for GoDaddy.

I just had to log into their DNS manager to update a record for a client. I found that the record editing process was extremely accessible which made my job easier.

There are of course still improvements that need to be made to the interface, but I’m glad to see that some accessibility work has been done.

On a related note, WPEngine is promising a new interface with keyboard accessibility, which is also a welcome improvement.

I’m looking forward to that.