Bookmarked sevenspark/wp-menu-swapper by Chris Mavricos (GitHub)

A WordPress plugin that will enable you to register custom menu theme locations and easily swap menus on individual WordPress Pages or Posts.

Bookmarked A quick introduction to using Gutenberg by Marco zehe (Marco's Accessibility Blog)

Late in November, I published a personal opinion on the state of Gutenberg accessibility. Today, I’d like to give an introduction to Gutenberg from a screen reader user perspective.

Right about now I’m all for declaring Marco Supreme Ruler of the Universe.

I still have issues with this whole Gutenberg process, and my recent criticisms regarding leadership and project-level accessibility prioritization still hold.

But this quick guide to using Gutenberg with a screen reader gives me a place to start, and at least allows me to work with the thing, and even to think about experimenting with some things on a development version of this site.

So, thank you tons Marco, I probably owe you a keg at this point. 🙂

Bookmarked Google’s AMP HTML by Adrian Roselli (Adrian Roselli)

Google wants to speed up the web, and it has a plan:
For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience – but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere. Right off the bat, if you use the AMP project page to get a sense of how capable Google is of doing this right, you may become a little deflated. For starters, it fails on the accessibility front, lacking alt text on images, a lang attribute on the element, controls on its opening video, and sufficient text contrast. It also seems to demonstrate just why we want faster pages by itself weighing in at 44MB over 124 requests, taking nearly 6 seconds to load.

I’ve tried to come to terms with AMP, but just can’t bring myself to do it.

If a client insists on it, I’ll do my best to convince them otherwise, but if they continue to insist I’ll of course implement it because pick your battles (TM).

This has turned out to be a great resource for keeping up with the flaws of AMP though.

Bookmarked Web Accessibility Is Out To Get You And Make You Feel Sad by Heydon Pickering (

Since the landmark Domino’s case, I’ve been having some conversations about web accessibility with people who wouldn’t ordinarily take an interest. Some of these conversations have been productive; others have not. The following is a dramatization based on true events.

This is a good read to keep on hand for those days when you’ve lost your patience with the pushback regarding web accessibility and will probably be necessary until things like punching people and daydrinking become acceptable options for coping.

I’m still laughing. This is the funniest thing I’ve read when it comes to web accessibility in a very long time.

Bookmarked Accessibility Inspector by Mozilla (MDN Web Docs)

The Accessibility Inspector provides a means to access important information exposed to assistive technologies on the current page via the accessibility tree, allowing you to check what’s missing or otherwise needs attention. This article takes you through the main features of the Accessibility Inspector and how to use it.